Cipralex Day 25 and Weigh In

Today I woke up feeling great.  Energy, joy, hope, peace.  Happiness.  All this despite the nasty sinus cold that started yesterday.  I've gone through almost one box of kleenex, I am carrying a hot pack around with me, slathering Watkins' medicated ointment all over my nose and lips every couple hours, and my head and muscles ache.  But I can't complain.  I don't feel anxious, depressed or nauseous.  I feel better than I have in so long.

It is so wonderful to feel light again.  :)

I want to say that the medication has not fixed everything that was wrong with me.  I still am short of breath most of the time, and I still have a place on my chest that aches constantly.  It is on the right side and feels like the pain is in a bone.  Also, every evening I get what feels like a lump in my throat that sometimes makes it hard to sleep.  I think that that has to do with mucous and post-nasal drip, and I plan to battle that after I am well established in my eating and on the Cipralex.  I have an appointment with my doctor this week for a prescription refill and I will let her know about the lingering chest pain and shortness of breath.  We'll probably just continue to watch it - I have been suffering from these two things for over three years now and all tests have indicated there is nothing wrong with my anatomy.

Today's weigh in showed that I have gained two more pounds in the past week.  WOOHOO, it is working!!  I have not been denying myself anything - when I feel hungry or crave something, I go for it.  I did have some IBS issues on Friday and yesterday that reminded me I still need to pay attention to what I am eating and I will adjust to accommodate my body again, but for the most part, food is not causing me pain.  And I am thankful for Christmas cookies, PowerBar and peanut butter.  And banana-avocado-orange juice smoothies.  :D


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